36Garh Education Awards

Event Overview:

EESWF (Entrepreneur Educational Social Welfare Foundation Limited) is thrilled to announce the “36Garh Education Awards” in collaboration with Bharatiya Media.

This prestigious award aims to recognize and honor outstanding educational institutions, including coaching centers, in the region of 36Garh for their exceptional contributions to education and student development.

Nomination Process:

  • Educational institutions and coaching centers operating in 36Garh are invited to nominate themselves for consideration for the “36Garh Education Awards.”
  • The nomination process will be open for a specified period, allowing eligible institutions to showcase their achievements and contributions to the education sector.

Jury Selection:

  • A distinguished panel of 10 individuals from 36Garh will be selected to serve as the Jury for the awards.
  • These Jury members will be respected dignitaries and experts in various fields related to education within the region.

Online Voting:

  • After the nomination period, the nominated educational institutions will be presented to the public for online voting.
  • The online voting process will provide an opportunity for the community to participate in the selection of deserving awardees.

Jury Deliberation:

  • In addition to the online voting results, the Jury will also play a crucial role in the final selection process.
  • The Jury will evaluate the nominees based on various criteria, including educational quality, innovation, community impact, and overall contribution to the field of education.

Awards Ceremony:

  • The winners of the “36Garh Education Awards” will be announced at a grand awards ceremony.
  • The ceremony will be attended by representatives from the winning institutions, members of the Jury, sponsors, and other stakeholders in the education sector.

Media Coverage:

  • Bharatiya Media will provide extensive coverage of the “36Garh Education Awards” through various media channels, including print, digital, and social media platforms.
  • The coverage will highlight the achievements of the award winners and showcase the positive impact of education in 36Garh.

Networking Opportunities:

  • The awards ceremony will also serve as a platform for networking and collaboration among educational institutions, stakeholders, and industry professionals.
  • Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with peers, share best practices, and explore potential partnerships to further enhance the quality of education in 36Garh.

Follow-Up Initiatives:

  • EESWF and Bharatiya Media will continue to support and promote educational initiatives in 36Garh beyond the awards ceremony.
  • Follow-up initiatives may include workshops, seminars, and other events aimed at fostering innovation and excellence in education within the region.

Event Date and Venue:

The date and venue for the “36Garh Education Awards” will be announced soon, following the Lok Sabha election results. Stay tuned for further updates and announcements.

Join us in celebrating and honoring the exemplary contributions of educational institutions in 36Garh. Together, let’s recognize and applaud their dedication to shaping the future of our youth and society.